Sunday, February 7, 2010

To avoid rats in my APT - somebody help me!?

Recently I have problem with rats in my kitchen. My landlord gave me 3packs of poison for rats but still they come! How can I avoid them?To avoid rats in my APT - somebody help me!?
You may need more poison if they ate it all. You should give the rats and mice all they can eat for 10 days. Takes a few days to kill them. Give them Halk and Jaguar poison and they will be gone. You need more poison for rats too.To avoid rats in my APT - somebody help me!?
Since you live in an apartment building, you don't have control of the entire building, and can't control how cleanly your neighbors live. This is a building-wide problem, and your landlord needs to be involved in keeping his building clean. Definitely keep your apartment clean and all food items in rat proof containers so they will go more to a less clean neighbors' apartment. You may have to find legal assistance, so check with your local housing authority and learn your rights. This should not cost you anything. To rat proof a building and hire a professional pest control contractor is expensive and your landlord is hoping to buy you off with some cheap poisons. Do you really want a rat dying and rotting in your kitchen wall? This is why you pay rent. Let your landlord know that your apartment is kept clean, and you expect the building to be pest free. If your landlord will not take care of the problem, and I don't mean giving you tools to fix the problem, either seek legal advice or move. Good Luck
clean up all weeds %26amp; refuse piles in the yard. block all holes between your house %26amp; the outdoors. keep all food in metal cannisters. clean up all crumbs. put out traps. buy a cat or a rat terrier. move.
First, to keep rats away, you could put up a sign: No Democrats Allowed.

My guess is that your problem involves the other kind of rat. Landlords are often shy about offering poison for the first kind of rat.

You are placing the poison according to the instructions. The rats that consume the poison die. But other rats appear in your kitchen. You should certainly want to keep killing those rats (the second kind)..

You can ask your landlord to raise your rent to cover the expense of an exterminator. The difficulty with exterminators is that they have no control over the lack of cleanliness in each apartment, in the basement, or even in the surrounding area.

If you live in a place like New York City or San Francisco, you have a problem. These cities have rent control laws. This inhibits the landlord from being able to pay the workman for his hire. Some rats (the first kind) have no grasp of economics. Those fascists wish to rule by fiat. Compensating a landlord for investing in his complex can be quite tough. He may even be prohibited from recovering his investmet for years - like in San Francisco.

If the person with the capital is prohibited by law from recovering his investment in killing rats (the second kind), you may be limited to only a few selections.

Here is some free advice:

One, move.

Two, act like a Nazi and ask the government to make the landlord part with unreimbursable capital.

Three, keep using poison, by yourself, or ask neighbors to use poison.

Four, purchase a high-pitched sounding device.

Regarding the sound advice (excuse the pun), you cannot hear the squeeking of the device. Rats can. Since rats (both kinds) do not willingly go where it is incredibly uncomfortable, those rats will visit other apartments.

Your problem is solved.

N.B. You could also let your landlord and your neighbors know about the sound device.
Rats can enter home through openings as small as 1/4 inch wide. Doors and windows through which rats can enter the house should be closed at night.

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