Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How long do pet rats grow(not including their tail)?

just wondering. by the way are they smelly? are they allot of work? should i get two males or two females or a male and female?How long do pet rats grow(not including their tail)?
Rats can grow to be 8-12 inches excluding the tail which can be 6-10 inches in length. Males are generally bigger than females. They are only smelly if you do not keep proper husbandry and do not clean their cage as often as you should. As long as you do your part, they stay very clean. As far as work - they can be little work or a lot of work depending on what you do with them. If you want to train them to do tricks, agility, etc. - it can be a lot of work depending on how difficult the trick is (rat basketball takes a couple hours of training every day for weeks, while training them to come when called only takes a few minutes every day for a three or four days.) For general maintenance - I use fleece for bedding, so I have to clean the cage daily or every other day (when I've been lazy), but cleaning it only takes me about 10 minutes (I keep enough fleece on hand to where I only have to do rat laundry once a week). Other types of bedding like carefresh (don't use wood shavings - bad for their respiratory systems) don't have to be changed as often - about twice a week - but will take longer to change out. Feeding and giving fresh water doesn't take very long each day. The majority of time spent on them is play time or training.

As to whether to get males or females - both are great. Males are usually a calmer and more for ';snuggling';, but still like to explore. Females are more energetic and easier to train - not much for sitting still which makes them better suited for tricks. My preference is the females because I am really into rat agility, but a lot of people prefer the males. It really just depends on what you would rather have. If you do go with males, it will better to get males who already know each other -as introducing non-neutered males to each other can be a little tougher. As far as introductions go - the easiest to introduce are females, followed by neutered males, then intact males. Juveniles are also a little easier to introduce to other rats than adults. If you go for getting a male and a female - you need to get the male neutered or the female spayed (a tougher surgery than neutering males), or you will not be able to let them be together (it only takes a few seconds to create a pregnancy), and keeping solitary rats is not a good idea.How long do pet rats grow(not including their tail)?
you shouldn't get a male and a female. Definitely get two or more of the same sex they should be ok together if from same litter. Male rats generally smell more than females because they scent mark but if u give them a litter tray and clean their cage regularly they shouldn't smell. They aren't the easiest of pets to keep but keep researching. Try for pet rat info and size depends on all sorts of factors-food, breed, size of cage but usually around 9 in for females but slightly larger for males- around 12 in
males get larger than females. they can smell but its not a stench its just a ratty musk. they require alot of attention at least 2 hours a day is recommended. males are more cuddly and sweet girls are curious and busy. it all depends on the type of pet you want. and unless you intend to be a responsible breeder do not get a male and female.
about 9 1/2 inches

also males and females should be kept seperate

until 6-8 weeks old.

try going here for some info
9-10 inches. don't put a m+f in a cage at the same time unless you want babies! Rats are pretty clean, too.

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