Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Will two female rats fight if they're in same cage?

i already have one rat (female) and i want to get another(female) one, will they fight if i put a new one in my current rats home? by the way, yes its big enough for them both.Will two female rats fight if they're in same cage?
Your current rat is the resident rat and rats are territorial. Some rats will take to a stranger being plunked into their territory (cage) just fine, but others will fight and injure the newcomer. Its really best to have a separate cage for the new girl and do proper intro's. Let the newbie relax a day or so before the stress of intro's

Start with neutral intros. A place where your resident doesn't normally go/play on. This means she won't consider it her territory but instead its a neutral area. If you don't normally let your rat on the couch or bed then do it there. A lot of us use the bathtub for neutral intro's. I put down a towel, a bowl of baby cereal (distraction..yummm), some things to explore (never close-ended) as a rat could go in, the other rat could follow and the first rat panics because she feels trapped. So I use ferret tunnels, baskets, a running wheel etc, even stuffed animals just for distraction.

Then I put both rats together in the neutral area. When they meet there will be a lot of sniffing, and possibly some puffed up fur on the part of one or both. There might be some sniffing of under the tail (some rats get hoisted into the air by the sniffer). There might be flipping and pinning but this is also normal as they are establishing rank. Watch out for sidling, huffing, hissing, fur really puffed up...all signs of aggression, and a fixation on the other rat as well. They might settle down beside each other and eat the cereal nicely or one might harass the other. If there's a fight remove them both and try again another time. Rats have a heirarchy and they have to establish who will be the subordinate and who the dominant of the pair.

';No blood, no foul'; is the golden rule here.

Are you planning on getting a same-age female? or a baby girl? babies are easier to introduce as they are not so much of a territorial threat. but if you decide on babies you would need to get 2 so that they can play/pounce on each other when your older rat needs a break, and once your older rat passes they will have each other for their lifespan.Will two female rats fight if they're in same cage?
yeah you can
not if u slowly introduce them like putting their faces up to the cage so they can see each other and just keep a eye on them when u do put them in together
they will if u just put her in there...they will fight to see who is mega-man in this case u have to let them both out and introduse them...acctually talk to them..say ur rats name are lovely and sweets...u would say sweets this is lovely and lovely this is sweets...and then put them on the ground near each other and see what they do...if they start to fight then keep them away from each other for a whil and the try again...try giving them a bath together...i know my rat loves baths...i rinse him put on foaming cat shampoo then rinse again and he jumps out onto the side of the tub onto his towel...maybe u should try a bath.


hope it helped

i just bought two female rats 4 days ago and everything has been fine.

they even sleep together.

be sure not to buy a female and a male.

that will give u a huge problem because they would have 6-10 babies every 2 months and i'm sure u wouldnt want that.

but anyways buy them like a big bed or something both of them can sleep in.

my rats fight sometimes in the day but at night they are total angels and love eachother so yeah dont worry.
They should be fine. Your rat will probably welcome the company after an initial hesitancy period. Check out this website for more info.
No female rats usually do wonderful together, unlike most males. Just keep an eye on them for about a week to be safe.

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