Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm 13 and getting two new rats were can i find a cheap rat cage for both of them?

i would say ebay or craigslist. if neither of those work you can go to your local pet store and buy a ten or twenty gallon tank for 15-20 dollars. you could also look in your locall clasified ads.

Hope this heps!!I'm 13 and getting two new rats were can i find a cheap rat cage for both of them?
You can go to and type in ';rodent cage'; or ';rat cage'; they often have new or gently used cages of auction.I'm 13 and getting two new rats were can i find a cheap rat cage for both of them?
Just go to a local pet store and find the cage you think is cheap and would be comfortable to 2 rats
i don't know where pets mart is but fish and feather or ebay is gud
craigslist and look at free stuff they always have pet cages for free you just have to go pick them up.
No such thing as a cheap cage for 2 rats, let alone one. Rats are big animals. They need a lot of room.
Ive always used second hand birdcages.

The wire bit at the bottom thats meant to let the bird poo fall thought, well i use that as a level. I put it on the perches, so they have multi levels in the cage so it gives them more running room.

Currently i have a cage for 4 females made of 4 second hand bird cages. It cost me under $80 (the average price of a medium sized rat cage), and its massive with about 6 levels.
I know (or , depending on where you live.) has people posting with alot of great pets and things, at great prices. You can even post an ad for free to ask for some.

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