Friday, February 12, 2010

How are rats related to humans ?did apes and monkeys evolve from rats are they closly related by ansectory?

please be sensibleHow are rats related to humans ?did apes and monkeys evolve from rats are they closly related by ansectory?
If you go back 1 Billion years, all marine %26amp; land animals are related to the Sea Sponge...

Rats are 95+% genetically identical to us, which is why they are used for medical testing. Our genes are that similar. Chimpanzees are 98% genetically identical, and were previously used for medical testing, until it was determined to be inhumane...How are rats related to humans ?did apes and monkeys evolve from rats are they closly related by ansectory?
We also share more than half of our DNA with the humble Cabbage. so all that crap means absolutely nothing.
Humans share ancestors with apes. The common ancestor of humans and Chimps is about 5 to 7 million years ago. Gorillas Chimps and humans have a common ancestor a few million years earlier. Orangutans, Chimps, Gorillas and humans have a common ancestor about 13 million years ago. Rats are rodents and the common ancestor would probably be 60 million years ago or more. Modern monkeys share a much more recent common ancestor with us apes and would both be equally distant from rats. Our common ancestor maybe 40 million years ago with monkeys gave rise to apes and monkeys. It was obviously a specific time earlier that IT shared a common ancestor with rats.
You could try going through some of these pages.;q=h鈥?/a>;sa=鈥?/a>
Your average rodent shares about 95% of it's DNA with a human. More than a dog, surprisingly. Yes, we are related.
I`ve not heard the theory of rats being related to humans, but on reflection there is some human rats amongst us, makes you think dosen`t it.
dunno. ask charles darwin he came up with the theory of evolution!!
all of them are mammals....dunno if thats close enough.

their used in drug testing so they must be similar.
The Evolutionists are at it again I see. Now they are saying that my Great great grandfather was a no good dirty rat. Does anybody know of a good defamation of character lawyer ?.
Yes you can keep on going back through ancestors and will eventually find one... for example if you go way back to the Cambrian period around 580 million years ago there was a small fish less than 2 cm long that is the ancestor to all vertebrates.....rats, humans, etc.

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