Thanks! :-)Please Tell Me About Pet Rats Or Mice?
hi...I never recommend mice as pets. They are much smellier than rats. They are not as tame. They are not as intelligent. They are not as friendly as rats who will actively seek your company.
a rat is much more like a dog in friendliness, lovingness and intelligence. You can teach rats to do tricks and come when called. Research has shown that they can learn faster than dogs!!!
any animal will smell if you dont be a responsible pet owner and keep it clean...however, rats are naturally clean animals...the pet species rattus norvegicus does not transmit diseases to humans and keeps itself very clean. Of course you need to help with the contained environment you provide, ie, clean out the cage daily so bacteria from old food etc doesnt make your rat sick, this is important because rats need to eat fruits and veges etc and they like to secret some away and hide it for later
I would try and find a rat breeder because too often the ones at pet shops are inbred and often mainly bred as snake food etc...however if you do get one from a pet shop, and I have done, then you are probably saving it from being eaten alive by a snake and it will just as much be your loving little pet as a pet bred one...
only problem for the pet shop variety is that they might have health problems later on because of inbreeding and you wont know what its history is unless you can speak to the breeder
rats are really great pets...they are a standin for a doggie when you cant have a can train them to come to their name...mice dont do that
also rats can easily be toilet trained...mine are and it was very easy because, as I said, they are naturally clean animals
final point...they are not quite as fragile as mice
final comment...rats rule!!!Please Tell Me About Pet Rats Or Mice?
I highly recommend you to get two pet rats if you won't have much time to devote to one. Rats are very social and love human companionship. Two will be able to socialize together if you don't have much time to. It doesn't matter if they are two males or two females. Keep in mind that many female rats tend to develop mammary tumors and you will have to find a vet experienced in the removal of such. As a person who has had pet rats for over sixteen years, I can attest to them being great pets. You will need a cage to keep them in when they are unattended. Make sure the cage does NOT have a wire floor. Marchioro makes a long line of cages suitable for you're new pets. I use the ';Tommy'; series. The larger the better. Don't keep them in an aquarium because it won't provide the ventilation or space you're pets will need. Let them out of the cage when you can supervise them. They will be happy to play on your couch or bed but if you let them onto the floor be careful they don't get themselves into a dangerous situation (behind cabinets, refrigerator, etc.). Rat proof your room. Use bedding such as Carefresh, never use cedar or pine bedding. A rodent water bottle will work for drinking. Feed them rodent blocks from your pet store or look into foods made by Purina, such as Mazuri 5663. Supplement with fruits and vegetables and occasional treats. If you get your pets when they are very young, make sure that you handle them a lot. They will bond much closer to you. Be sure to get them to a vet quickly if you notice any breathing difficulty or hear any type of wheezing or noise from their lungs. The only down side to having pet rats is that they only live two to three years and it is very difficult and sad when you lose one. Enjoy your new wonderful pets!
rats are the way to go and the males are much more friendly and attentive than the females.. They are not as flighty and much more laid back and relaxed. Tame ones will even fight with you a pretend fight and pretend to bite only hello bites so OK. You need at least two so that they are amused when you are not around. Great pets and easy to care for but please get more than one and make sure it is the same sex or it will be very lonely. Will both rush to greet you and love that occasional chicken or chop bone to chew on. Pet shops are ok just pick the smaller younger ones as do not have a long life line about 5 years and be patient with the taming but food treats will do it especially the bones. You do need a fairly large cage as they do grow. Cages need cleaning every few weeks and there will be no smell.
I don't know what pet mice are like but I loved my pet rat. I di not need to big of a cage, and what I loved about the cage is you did not have to worry if you did not have enough table room because rat cages go straight up. Also rats are a lot of fun to hold and to play with. They love to crawl up on your shoulder as yu walk around the house.
ive never owned pet mice before, but ive got 2 male rats. whether you get mice or rats, you will have to get more than one of the same sex. if you can try to get them from a breeder, but if you cant, you can get them from petshops. i got my rats from pets at home. people always think that male rats or mice smell alot more than females. well mine dont smell at all. if you dont clean them out enough, then they will smell.
i have 2 female rats they are great pets and you only need a cage food 1 or 2 toys water bottle and food bowl which is the basics and if you want to make it free from lice lice spray and if you want to bath it small animal shampoo
mice you will find with mice you don't want to handle them as much as rats and if they run away the can become a pest. you need same things as rats for mice
i have had both types and rats are my favorites
you should get you
I have a rat and just about to get one of her sisters tomorrow, i Absolutely adore her and i've only had her for a couple of days they're so funny to watch and play with also they are really surprisingly intelligent and clean i say rats are the way to go its like having a really really Miniature puppy lol.
First off, you need to get at least 2 rats. They're very social. The color of their coat will not affect their personality in the least. Choose the friendliest rat, not the prettiest.
As far as mice go, they're lower mantinence, but stupider and less friendly. I don't know too much about them, most of the care is the same, but they don't need as much play. I'd suggest 2 females, male mice can be aggressive toward each other, and are stinkier than females. Mice can be housed in a 10 gallon aquarium, but a 20 gallon, or a wire cage with narrow bar spacing is better. Bigger is better, but don't get anything escapable. Avoid those plastic hamster cages, they're not practical. Mice need the same bedding as rats. Harlan Tekland food would be okay, but not the best for a mouse.鈥?br>鈥?br>鈥?br>
General Care-鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Cage- Bigger is better. This is the smallest cage I'd recommend for 2 rats.鈥?/a> It's expensive, but really the smallest I'd recommend for 2 or 3 rats. Avoid aquariums, they are often small, it's hard to hand toys, and they lack ventilation.鈥?/a>
Food- Foods high in protein and corn are bad for rats. Feed Harlan Tekland 2014 or 2018, or Oxbow Regal Rat.
Treats- nothing high in fat and sugar, just feed fruits or vegetables. Tomatoes, bananas, apples, grapes, peas, carrots, and more are great. Cooked whole wheat pasta and rice, whole wheat bread, and rice are okay occasionally. About 1/5 of a rats diet should consist of treats. Avoid citrus, here's a list of forbidden foods鈥?/a>
Toys- Rats need lots of toys in their cages. Tubes, paper bags, fleece hammocks, sleeping cubes, nests, and assorted, safe things around the house are great. A solid bottom wheel, 11 inches or bigger in diameter is nice. Fleece stuff can be made if you know how to sew. Here are some pics: (I had to get rid of the hyperlinks)鈥?br>鈥?br>鈥?br>鈥?br>鈥?br>鈥?br>鈥?br>
If you can't sew:
Playtime: An hour out of the cage a day. Your rats can run around supervised in a rat proofed area, and you play games with them. Or they can go for shoulder rides, explore and sleep in your sweater. They're very affectionate!鈥?/a>
Bedding: Avoid pine, sawdust, or cedar, they have been known to cause health problems. Newspaper and paper towel will stink in an hour. I recommend Carefresh or Yesterday's News, both made of recycled paper. Carefresh has been known to have mites, it's uncommon, but I'd suggest freezing for 24 hours before use. If you want wood shavings, use aspen.
Additional Info:
You can litter train, but it is hard. Rats can also learn basic tricks, like a dog. To reduce cleaning, line the shelves of your cage with fleece, flannel, or terrycloth. I've heard of a rat's toe getting caught in terrycloth and causing a injury, though. Depends on how big the loops are. Training Info-鈥?/a>
-hang a toilet paper roll in your rats cage, prepare for the insanity!
-rats might be shy at first, give them time
-pet store rats are known for having health problems. 2 out of 3 of my pet shop rats died at 8 months old, but were wonderful creatures.
-breeders breed better rats, but are often irresponsible. Beware!鈥?/a>
-shelter rats are rats that are greatly in need of a home. It's a great deed to give a loving home to a shelter rat, they often come with a free vet check up
-check out, it's very informative, and the members are friendly and helpful
-don't forget a non-leak water bottle
-average rat lifespan is 2-4 years
-rats are a commitment, be sure you will not tire of it
Good Luck!
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