well i might get 2 rrats soon but i am not completly sure, i just want to have all the imformation possible!! i want to keep them in my room but if they are noisy when i sleep i might need to put them somewhere else but im not sure!!! so anythung you can tell me would be great!!!!!thanksDo rats make noises and do they sleep at night or day?
They can be rather noisy at night. Rats are nocturnal by nature, but if you give them lots to do before you go to bed and tire them out, they may sleep through the night.
You NEED to have 2 rats. No amount of time you spend with one can make up for the companionship of another rat.
Also, it's best to get one from a shelter or rescue. They are generally handled more and healtheir there.
Rats eat almost anything. Most pet stores sell a specially formulated rat block diet which is best. There are also several homemade recipes. You should never feed rats food that was formulated for other animals. Rabbit and hamster food is not healthy for them.
A cage is the most expensive thing you'll need to have a rat. A decent cage can easily cost $100. Here's a very good cage at PetSmart for $99.99: http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.js鈥?/a> (you'd just take the wheel out.) Be sure that bar spacing in the cage you're getting is appropriate for your rats' size. They are amazing escape artists. If they can fit their head through something, they can fit their whole body through (1/2 inch - 1 inch bar spacing is ideal.) Also, rats require 2 square feet of space each, so keep that in mind when choosing a cage. NEVER EVER house a rat in an aquarium. The only animals that should be kept in aquariums are fish and reptiles. Aquariums have little to no ventilation. This causes ammonia to build up inside the cage which can harm your rats. They require cleaning much more often and are generally harder to clean. Plus, rats love to climb on bars of the wire cages.
Rats are very much like dogs. They can learn tricks and, once handled, are extremely tame and attached to their owner. They can even be litter trained like a cat.
One most important thing you need to know is that you should NEVER use pine or cedar bedding. Aspen or Carefresh is best. Another thing that most people don't take into consideration is the vet. It's important that you find a knowledgable vet in your area who can care for your rat should the occasion arrise. Female rats are prone to tumors, and all rats are prone to devastating respiratory illnesses. Both of these factors can be greatly reduced by providing a good diet and environment.
You can go to my website for more info on rats: http://www.tessastarrsrats.weebly.com
Also you can email me if you'd like (use the email on my website, not yahoo)Do rats make noises and do they sleep at night or day?
If you have more than one rat they will be noisy. Mine are especially noisy! Even with one rat, clanking around in a metal cage and drinking from the bottle can be loud. They are always busy rearranging their cages, they love cleaning house! Two will fight a little and squeek.
They are not necessarily nocturnal. My rats are probably about half and half, they sleep half the day and half the night but they will wake up and move around at any time. (My rats are pretty lazy, though.)
Rats should have a lot of soft landings anyway, so adding soft fabrics and things to your cage can help a little to muffle sound.
Rats are often sniffly so they will do their itty bitty sneezes, etc. But really the sound rarely ever bothers me to the point that I would want to move them out of my room. In fact, your room is the best place for them. If they have a problem, you know right away. One time, I was asleep and my rat started screaming. I vaulted out of bed, hit the light switch and was on the floor in front of his cage before I even fully woke up.
No matter what, they will be so worth it and I'm sure you will love them unconditionally!
The noise rats will make varies upon what is in the cage and whether your rat is very vocal or not. They will definitely make most of their noise at night. They feel safer when the lights are out so they like to run about and do whatever they can do in their cage.
One of my rats is very vocal in general. She, Belle, squeaks and makes funny noises all the time. I like to think she's telling me how much she loves me all the time and about how her sister picks on her.
My other rat, Hidey, barely squeaks but is a lot more hyperactive physically. She loves her wheel. At first I had a metal wheel, but it started squeaking A LOT! To counteract this I went out and bought a slightly more expensive, but MUCH QUIETER wheel. That solved a lot of problems for me. Aside from wheels, they will chew on wood blocks, and anything you give them in general.
As with any animal they will make some amount of noise, but you must accept this. They are fun loving creatures and they will even make noise to let you know they want your attention. Unless you are an extremely light sleeper they should be fine in your room.
Well at night they will make some noise or a lot they are nocturnal animals and wake up at night. They will do their stuff at this time, playing, eating, wrestling etc. I have gotten use to my rats that I just fall asleep through it now unless I hear a loud squeak then I wake up. But if you are the type that will not get use to their noise and do not like being disturbed during your sleep then I suggest you put them in another room.
Rats do make noises, just like anything else. They will squeak, which is just like us talking, and they will also brux; this is when they grind their teeth together, and it usually means they are very happy. If your rat likes you, it's more than likely that they will brux while in your presence, at some stage. They may also boggle (make their eyes go in and out of the sockets a bit - it looks a tad weird, but it means they love you and are happy).
There are, unfortunately, some sounds to keep an ear out and require attention. Rats are very prone to respiratory infections, so if they sound like they are wheezing, or there is a crackly sound in their chest, they will need to see a vet and get some antibiotics.
Rats can also get hiccups just like we do, so if they are bouncing a little bit and making a sound that sounds like it should be hiccups, it probably is! This is nothing to worry about at all :)
Rats are nocturnal, so they will race around their cage banging things about at night. You might not be able to sleep with this, so at night time you could move the cage into the bathroom, or something like that. Mine all live in my room, it's just something I've got used to over time.
Putting them in your room is not the best idea. I tried it and I could not sleep for all the scrabbling and squeaking at night. They are naturally nocturnal. They also make a variety of noises such as squeaks, squeals, sniffs, and a very unique affectionate noise known as bruxing.
The only noise my rats make is squeak if they are really scared or hurt. Mine make very little noise. I don't even know they are there. Also, many people say they are noctournal, but I found them to be durinal.
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